1. Aaron 27
2. Ronny
3. STEAM_0:0:864624 http://se7enkills.gameme.com/playerinfo/2470633
4. United Kingdom
5. Played CSGO since release, CSS for years previous to that too. Been admin on previous servers and other games (if any)
6. 20-40 ping
7. Work 8-5pm Monday to Friday, Usually on anytime after that.
8. Server 7
7. 50+
8. As above 8-5 GMT
9. https://steamcommunity.com/id/bxstxrd or ronny#0001 on Discord
10. Playing games mostly
11. A lot of experience in playing the game as well as administrating numerous things.
12. Exposed a cheater already thats been on the server for a couple of years.
2. Ronny
3. STEAM_0:0:864624 http://se7enkills.gameme.com/playerinfo/2470633
4. United Kingdom
5. Played CSGO since release, CSS for years previous to that too. Been admin on previous servers and other games (if any)
6. 20-40 ping
7. Work 8-5pm Monday to Friday, Usually on anytime after that.
8. Server 7
7. 50+
8. As above 8-5 GMT
9. https://steamcommunity.com/id/bxstxrd or ronny#0001 on Discord
10. Playing games mostly
11. A lot of experience in playing the game as well as administrating numerous things.
12. Exposed a cheater already thats been on the server for a couple of years.