whenever i see his stats of DM#3 server [ https://se7enkills.gameme.com/player...sessions/87945 ].
its look like he is pro player.
a person who cannot kill in single bullet. miss many times.
how can he kill 200+ and get 10 or 12 deaths.
but he can easily locate the target.
so i request other admins to spectate him.
today i spectate him in egon world.
he did not play like that he play before. he got 120+ kills and 15 deaths when i leaved the server.
so please i request other admins to spectate him.
maybe he need a ban.
regards .
its look like he is pro player.
a person who cannot kill in single bullet. miss many times.
how can he kill 200+ and get 10 or 12 deaths.
but he can easily locate the target.
so i request other admins to spectate him.
today i spectate him in egon world.
he did not play like that he play before. he got 120+ kills and 15 deaths when i leaved the server.
so please i request other admins to spectate him.
maybe he need a ban.
regards .