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What happened to the server !??

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Jubawashere View Post

    So I can see why he defend her now, he only got fucked over by her admin abuse 1 time and he went to say sorry can I have my admin back?
    I get fucked over 15 times by her in 3 years, because she emotional unstable and if I say something about this I'm "raging" says Mass pff
    I'm not allowed to say the truth? Or is everything censored now. Before Ace would always come to the forum to delete my account. But now she has Mass her new slave.

    If someone else breaks the rules everyone gets a ban, if she breaks rules, which she does a lot, she get nothing. Funny thing is I send that demo to mass and he said he was going to send it to T4L or Dmitry the server owner because mass wanted to make a document of all Ace root her bullshit and he said that she had to go from being admin. Then Mass said he don't wanna be admin anymore.
    And look now he's kissing her feet after he got banned. Clap clap applause buddy. 2 faced fuck.
    Not defending anyone, never did & will never do. I am so pissed at the moment I can't even think of connecting to the server. Will now even try to stay away from the forums as well.

    Do you want the screenshots? I've tried my best sent that to every fucking one. No one bothered.

    Here is a glimpse I complained about Darias few days ago from my last ban & see how wonderful reaction I got. Only the other admins vouched in do you see the owner or any other root doing anything?
    Click image for larger version  Name:	Annotation 2020-06-18 225627.png Views:	0 Size:	24.0 KB ID:	199389

    The same guy bans me for just slaping & slaying even after I've told the people on server. Slaying was only done during the warmup.
    Last edited by Mass Killer (WTH!!!); 19.06.2020, 03:18.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Mass Killer (WTH!!!) View Post

      Oh boy Oh boy Again juba on rage. Can you stop posting like you're fighting everytime? lol
      This just makes your valid points go down the drain lol.
      Bad joke ignore this guys please. Never thought it will not look like a joke.


      • #33
        Nice I have 4 weeks off with a Broken PC and everything has gone to Pot, well played.


        • #34
          Originally posted by T4L View Post
          All want play on maps dust2, overpass, inferno and mirage.

          Office, nuke, cache, train - no, we dont know this maps. And leaves.
          How to tell people that these are normal maps?
          We sorted out the maps not long ago they where fine!. Looks like in my absence you have manage to destroy server 7 and now after banning 2 good Admins and other admins leaving you added a bad map plugging then you go and play another game Survival Evolved. Thanks for that


          • #35
            Oh forgot to say love you Juba still slagging me off i see, old dogs never change ah


            • #36
              Ah, that's how.
              Your pc is broken. Phone too? Or religion doesn’t allow you to visit the forum from your phone?

              What 2 admins I banned? List them. 1 admin. And he is unban now. Aeron writes to me about all the problems, not you. If possible, I try to eliminate them, because Dima has no time.

              And what do you have against ARK? Do you know that I play on the Sevenkills server? No? Problem?


              • #37
                Вот и всё! Жаль,такой сервер был хороший.Я ещё в 2013 начинала играть с соурч сервера,там всегда был порядок,потом перешла на глобал сервера в 2017 ,и уже тогда там царил беспредел,я подумала что став админом я смогу что-то исправить.Но я ошибалась ,а в конце 2018 всё пошло ко дну медленно и уверенно,хотя я предлагала поменять кое что,убрать таких админов как Мисс Эйс и так далее.Но меня не хотели слушать.А теперь что говорить????? Поздно.....
                Last edited by Tera; 27.06.2020, 23:43. Reason: Пфф


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Leah Stacey View Post

                  We sorted out the maps not long ago they where fine!. Looks like in my absence you have manage to destroy server 7 and now after banning 2 good Admins and other admins leaving you added a bad map plugging then you go and play another game Survival Evolved. Thanks for that
                  The server was already destroyed by you, he just tried to change but it was to late so don't try now put the blame on other root you are all part of the problem. Server 11 was also destroyed after you, you said you would fix it so they gave you root but nothing got fixed. Funny thing you try scold him for playing another game. While you are never on the server. In 2 weeks T4L played on server, he played more than you combined in 12 months, you come only 30 min a week join winning team, after you start lose you disconnect. Wow nice skill there. Atleast he knows how to play. Can't say you do.

                  Manipulating again the story like you are the "savior" of the server we need! With you there would be 32 players all day. Bhaha in your dreams. Ah don't forget to delete all forum post again here and ban forum accounts like you always do with admin abuse. 2 months you did not come once to the forum, to unban people who made complaint for wrong ban, no you don't come. But in this 2 months you connect to the server to play. Strange! Better stay away.
                  Last edited by Jubawashere; 28.06.2020, 00:17.


                  • #39
                    LOL Leah... i dont even understand they give you root ... you ruined this server !!! you are the biggest joke here..
                    Last edited by pacha; 28.06.2020, 03:30.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Leah Stacey View Post

                      We sorted out the maps not long ago they where fine!. Looks like in my absence you have manage to destroy server 7 and now after banning 2 good Admins and other admins leaving you added a bad map plugging then you go and play another game Survival Evolved. Thanks for that
                      Весной на сервере было очень мало игроков относительно того, что было годом ранее и сильно меньше чем до 2019. Тем более с учётом коронавируса и связанного с этим карантина во многих странах. В редкие пару часов доходило до 20 активных игроков вечером(тогда когда я приходил на сервер). В основном было 10-15 человек даже в вечернее время. Сейчас сезонный фактор + отмена карантина во многих странах - летом всегда происходит заметное снижение активных игроков на сервере(вы сами это понимаете, но лучше попробовать себя выставить в лучшем свете - ведь все виноваты кроме вас, как и раньше, как и в случаи с 11 сервером которого уже нет). А вот то что почти в идеальных условиях(весна+карантин) было очень мало активных игроков даже в сравнении с годом ранее и является результатом оттока большого количества активных игроков, в следствии не самого лучшего управления проектом в направлении ксго(и в частности 7 и 11 серверах, на которых я играл), по моему субъективному мнению, несмотря на технические проблемы кс го как игры(которые накапливаются со временем, может с выходом движка source 2 они станут менее острыми), на которые T4L указал в начале данной дискуссии(топика).
                      Last edited by Limard; 29.06.2020, 13:32.


                      • #41
                        in gg server it's impossible to vote
                        and it's been added the r8 and it sucks for gg games


                        • #42
                          i think it's time to call this dudes ===>
                          RIP 7kills
                          Attached Files


                          • #43
                            stats speak for them selves, server was fine before I had my PC meltdown full every day. I come back and all hell breaks loose. I ask why and I get told this [18:14]
                            ❥Little♥️Miss Ace♥️❤️™:
                            why server so empty

                            people not playing on it anymore

                            ❥Little♥️Miss Ace♥️❤️™:

                            new map plugin is bad, even admins left cuz t4l banned 2 of them
                            also, old players got mad because of the lags, it was lagging hard
                            also people saying in summer people don't play, which is bs
                            regular players made a server of their own that they now play on,
                            128 ticks
                            and even with that they don't play much
                            and keep in mind valorant is free to play, some people migrated to it
                            it is an rpg cs 1.6


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Tera View Post
                              Вот и всё! Жаль,такой сервер был хороший.Я ещё в 2013 начинала играть с соурч сервера,там всегда был порядок,потом перешла на глобал сервера в 2017 ,и уже тогда там царил беспредел,я подумала что став админом я смогу что-то исправить.Но я ошибалась ,а в конце 2018 всё пошло ко дну медленно и уверенно,хотя я предлагала поменять кое что,убрать таких админов как Мисс Эйс и так далее.Но меня не хотели слушать.А теперь что говорить????? Поздно.....
                              your opinion doesn't matter as you're an inactive player on 7 kills


                              • #45
                                Why is the new plugin bad? What's wrong?

                                You can nominate any map with the "nominate" command.
                                You can change the current map with the "rtv" command.
                                And I removed the unpopular maps.

                                Once again I ask - what is wrong? Write in expanded form.

                                Ahh, I get it. I forbade you to change maps as you want?

