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What happened to the server !??

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  • #16
    Originally posted by AER0N View Post

    Ну ты моментами перегибаешь про фан админов, про оскорбления админами, про то что они заходят за слабые команды. Я же вижу другую картину, почти все админы стараются соблюдать баланс и к тому же система автобаланса перекидывает и перемешивает переодически игроков. Голосования на вотебан кстати убраны уже пару дней назад. А вот что касается випки то да, c этой вх гранатой, скинами, по которым хрен попадешь и имбаланс с авп, хотелось бы это все убрать нахрен.
    Your big friend Miss Ace she always go on the winning team when she connects, she never balance her self maybe maybe 2 games from 100 she balance other than that she plays only for winning team. And there is much more admins like this they join server go straigth to strong team, rape them all with vip skin etc and then when this admin start lose he go disconnect.. There is many admins out there who play just for themselves and not for helping the server.. they use admin status as if it's an EXTRA vip feature not caring and breaking many server rules.. Limard knows he plays here since long time ago when you were never here. Every time we posted admin abuse here on the forum either Roy former root admin or Miss Ace root admin remove this post and just makes arrogant jokes like we are liars. And worst of all they try change the story or use admin powers to delete forum account / forum post / never watch video proof of admin abuse.

    One time there is an aimbot on server he shoot also with wallhack 3 people through the wall, I said Miss ace this guy is cheating. And she said you are not admin so don't try do our job, if you one more time try say you will be banned. I said what the fuck is this he's cheating and you don't do nothing and then BOOM 7 day ban for me.

    Then bit later other ex-admin named Hayha he's on aztec I have on CT side high score because its CT map and he said if you don't change to me I will ban you, so team switches, all ct go to T side. And hayha use admin to switch me back to CT side. I said what are you doing I already have 30 kills on ct side and you put me again ct side I will get 60 kills then. I dont want to be get kills like this so i switch to T side again and then he kick me. I reconnect and I'm angry because he abuse admin. And I say he has small penis because he try intimidate me by saying he will ban me if I don't join his team on strong ct side. And then he ban me for 2 weeks for "insulting admin" when he start this bullshit..

    Or when there was 2 admin commands to make a person switch to the other team but this 1 command is bugged and the other is fine, but if you chose the bugged command the player that switches team will spawn inside T spawn as ct on beginning of round. And she did on purpose 5x in a row this command on me so 5x in beginning of the round I spawn in Terrorist spawn between 16 terrorist while im CT ofcourse I get killed instant after 1 sec the rounds start so i died 5x because of this bullshit and she keep doing it. So at the end of the round I typed in console "reconnect" because I know she will use this fucked up thing just to abuse me. Because she angry at me that I talk with Tera and Boom BANNED now 3rd time I post this on the forum.

    Miss ace then says haha 3rd time you get banned... I will give you perma ban because its in the rules after 3 is perma. And she banned me permanent, it took 2 months before I was unbanned. You see how this shit show works? This admins just abuse and abuse and find reason to perma ban for things you did not even start. Very unjustified and this is just 2-3 things I mentioned out of 30 things she try ban me with. And this root admin Darias or T4L he was never there to check how this server was doing good or bad. No never in 2 years maybe 10 times. And now when server is dead, when everyone including me been harrased by admin they "going" try make server better. Big joke its to late everyone left.
    Last edited by Jubawashere; 17.06.2020, 20:34.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Tera View Post
      Limard оставь её.за правду забанит и глазом не моргнёт .только повод дай.она всё равно будет нарушать правила в будущем....Она будет лгать и не краснеть.Она на сервер заходит.с ней даже никто не здаровается...насколько люди в шоке...надеюсь сервер не опустеет .как 11 опустел..посмотрим что будет дальше.
      То о чём говорили многие ещё полтора года назад и вот результат в 2020, отсутствие большого количества активных игроков даже во время карантина


      • #18
        Originally posted by Jubawashere View Post

        Your big friend Miss Ace she always go on the winning team when she connects, she never balance her self maybe maybe 2 games from 100 she balance other than that she plays only for winning team. And there is much more admins like this they join server go straigth to strong team, rape them all with vip skin etc and then when this admin start lose he go disconnect.. There is many admins out there who play just for themselves and not for helping the server.. they use admin status as if it's an EXTRA vip feature not caring and breaking many server rules.. Limard knows he plays here since long time ago when you were never here. Every time we posted admin abuse here on the forum either Roy former root admin or Miss Ace root admin remove this post and just makes arrogant jokes like we are liars. And worst of all they try change the story or use admin powers to delete forum account / forum post / never watch video proof of admin abuse.

        One time there is an aimbot on server he shoot also with wallhack 3 people through the wall, I said Miss ace this guy is cheating. And she said you are not admin so don't try do our job, if you one more time try say you will be banned. I said what the fuck is this he's cheating and you don't do nothing and then BOOM 7 day ban for me.

        Then bit later other ex-admin named Hayha he's on aztec I have on CT side high score because its CT map and he said if you don't change to me I will ban you, so team switches, all ct go to T side. And hayha use admin to switch me back to CT side. I said what are you doing I already have 30 kills on ct side and you put me again ct side I will get 60 kills then. I dont want to be get kills like this so i switch to T side again and then he kick me. I reconnect and I'm angry because he abuse admin. And I say he has small penis because he try intimidate me by saying he will ban me if I don't join his team on strong ct side. And then he ban me for 2 weeks for "insulting admin" when he start this bullshit..

        Or when there was 2 admin commands to make a person switch to the other team but this 1 command is bugged and the other is fine, but if you chose the bugged command the player that switches team will spawn inside T spawn as ct on beginning of round. And she did on purpose 5x in a row this command on me so 5x in beginning of the round I spawn in Terrorist spawn between 16 terrorist while im CT ofcourse I get killed instant after 1 sec the rounds start so i died 5x because of this bullshit and she keep doing it. So at the end of the round I typed in console "reconnect" because I know she will use this fucked up thing just to abuse me. Because she angry at me that I talk with Tera and Boom BANNED now 3rd time I post this on the forum.

        Miss ace then says haha 3rd time you get banned... I will give you perma ban because its in the rules after 3 is perma. And she banned me permanent, it took 2 months before I was unbanned. You see how this shit show works? This admins just abuse and abuse and find reason to perma ban for things you did not even start. Very unjustified and this is just 2-3 things I mentioned out of 30 things she try ban me with. And this root admin Darias or T4L he was never there to check how this server was doing good or bad. No never in 2 years maybe 10 times. And now when server is dead, when everyone including me been harrased by admin they "going" try make server better. Big joke its to late everyone left.
        Ok, thank you for action by the way. Not everyone will go translate russian into eng to just post so long story about, so that means, that you very wants to show your opinion.
        For first, why do you think that Miss Ace is "my big friend"? There was no reason to think so. I was on these servers in 2014, then i went try for competitv a bit. After realize that im not so good as i wanted to be (yes, when you said that im noob, you was right, ok) i came here. Everithing was good for me, but josh and vip, which im using now, lol.
        So, about Leah and Haya. I didnt see them often so i didnt notice all these things that you wrote here. I will not go for saying that you are liar, im just dont know it. But what i saw on forum that some guys, like you were very rude to Leah. But if what you say about Leah was true, then it seems very very unfair and not cool from them. That is not what people want to see from root admin...


        • #19
          Originally posted by x-CarNagE-x View Post
          I dont think its because of the maps, I think its because of how you guys treat the people the in the last weeks.
          Very well said. Honestly you took the words out of my brain. They don't understand what a community server means. (Just to let everyone know community server means a server ran by community. No community = dead server which just happened.)


          • #20
            Originally posted by T4L View Post
            Серьезно? Т.е. карта тускан, люди такие "К нам плохо относились, выходим с сервера". Ставим карту инферно. Люди "Ну не так уж и плохо относились, можно пойти поиграть"
            This is what I was talking about during my ban but you wanted an apology. Do you see the irony? You are just looking at the number without having any clue whats going on between people. What people really want.


            • #21
              Originally posted by T4L View Post
              Ага, помню. А лет 7 назад ксс сервера были еще в самом соку. А 13 лет назад можно было в 1.6 народ нагибать.
              2-3 года назад не было этой ебучей панорамы. Да и кс не была бесплатной. Плюс 3 года назад как раз повысили максимальный порог рейта. Помнишь сколько голая кска весила 3 года назад? Посмотри сейчас. Отсюда и падение производительности, как для серверов, так и для клиента.
              Я играюсь на 1660ти, и фпс скачет от 250 и выше. Мое бы железо, да лет 5 назад, фпс ниже 600 бы не опускался. А щас почему так проседает? Думаю ответ итак понятен.

              В итоге все ведет к тому, что пиратка рано или поздно умрет, это лишь вопрос времени. Даже мне, человеку, который любые захватывающие игрушки скачивал с торрентов, сейчас проще их купить, и не плясать танцы с бубном.
              И так уж вышло, мы не можем написать вальве, мол "ребята, а сделайте наши сервера в топе поиска, мы народу хотим".

              А если думаешь что карты тут вообще не причем, так зайди в любой мониторинг серверов, и посмотри, на каких картах играют заполненные сервера. Вопросы отпадут
              Again the numbers, figures, logs & facts man you need to get out of these things & get to know people personally on server. What they want it's the community server the community drives the server not figures & facts. Those figures and facts are made by those people. If you listen to people you will never ever have to look at those figures I think.
              Last edited by Mass Killer (WTH!!!); 17.06.2020, 23:54.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Limard View Post

                Я знаю про технические проблемы кс в целом и маппулом серверов в частности, но я имел виду именно проблемы сообщества и их решения админами/главными админами/владельцами данного проекта(а точнее их нерациональные решения и/или игнорирования проблем) . Когда я играл в 11-13 годах на 2 сервере администраторы помогали новичкам и поддерживали равенство команд насколько это было возможно(когда бафик пару раундов через чат и голосовые сообщения говорит новичку сменить имя unnamed на подходящее, а только потом кикает. Или предупреждают за агрессивные голосовухи в чате, а потом мутят. В войс чате говорят что надо не сидеть с бомбой, а стараться выполнять задачу карты, и только в следствии игнорирования кикали или применяли другие методы воздействия(сейчас автоматом кикают не тратя свои силы). Лидеры сообщества на сервере, а именно админы, сами переходили за слабую команду для лучшего равенства сил и применяли другие методы для более здорового игрового процесса(ограничение авп)). Последнее время администраторы на серверах использовали свои силы в основном для своих нужд(фарм кда против слабой команды, принудительную смену карт под себя и другое). Позволяли себе оскорбительное поведение против других игроков и использование возможностей админа чисто для своего фана(поджёг, маяк и так далее). Все жалобы на подобные действия попросту игнорировались и зачастую никакой реакции от главных админов не было(за небольшим исключения, как и наличие некоторых адекватных админов в толпе не ответственных от слова совсем). Как пример последствие нерационального решения проблемы сообщества на 11 сервере от главкома - почти одновременный уход всех админов с данного сервера, включая одного из главных. Как следствие бардак и заметное уменьшение желания от игроков тратить своё время на игру именно на серверах данного проекта. Именно объективность и адекватность лидеров сообщества(админов) были главным преимуществом данного проекта(помимо очень подробной статистики). Жаль что были... Сейчас администраторы даже правил проекта не знают. Ну и конечно читерская вх граната тоже сильно портила "здоровый" фан от игры. Замечательно что ёё убрали, но на её место появились крайне оскорбительные голосования по бану других игроков, с возможностью спамить ими с очень низким кд, что сильно портит удовольствие от игры сейчас.
                Если вкратце то админы были объективнее, ориентировались на комфортную игру на сервере для большинства игроков, а не только под себя лично. В редких случаях злоупотребление своими возможностей для админа заканчивалось публичным выговором и другими санкциями(на данном форуме), это показывало сообществу, что глав админам не всё равно на подобные случаи и они не будут оставаться безнаказанными, сейчас всем всё равно. А если не всё равно то последствия решения проблем зачастую это уход важной части сообщества(как вышеупомянутый пример с 11 сервером). А таких вещей как вх граната или оскорбительные голосования за бан других игроков не было(с возможностью 1 игроку 3-4 раза за раунд их запускать, что очень бесит). Вроде объективные причины падения популярности проекта, без банального - раньше трава была зеленее.

                P.S. По ссылке скриншот на котором виден один из первых скинов проекта, который был фановым и информативным, без перегибов в сторону фана и ущербу распознавания противника как сейчас. По моему субъективному мнению.
                And here I thought you don't talk. Nice observations Limard & good point I agree to some of them.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Jubawashere View Post

                  Your big friend Miss Ace she always go on the winning team when she connects, she never balance her self maybe maybe 2 games from 100 she balance other than that she plays only for winning team. And there is much more admins like this they join server go straigth to strong team, rape them all with vip skin etc and then when this admin start lose he go disconnect.. There is many admins out there who play just for themselves and not for helping the server.. they use admin status as if it's an EXTRA vip feature not caring and breaking many server rules.. Limard knows he plays here since long time ago when you were never here. Every time we posted admin abuse here on the forum either Roy former root admin or Miss Ace root admin remove this post and just makes arrogant jokes like we are liars. And worst of all they try change the story or use admin powers to delete forum account / forum post / never watch video proof of admin abuse.

                  One time there is an aimbot on server he shoot also with wallhack 3 people through the wall, I said Miss ace this guy is cheating. And she said you are not admin so don't try do our job, if you one more time try say you will be banned. I said what the fuck is this he's cheating and you don't do nothing and then BOOM 7 day ban for me.

                  Then bit later other ex-admin named Hayha he's on aztec I have on CT side high score because its CT map and he said if you don't change to me I will ban you, so team switches, all ct go to T side. And hayha use admin to switch me back to CT side. I said what are you doing I already have 30 kills on ct side and you put me again ct side I will get 60 kills then. I dont want to be get kills like this so i switch to T side again and then he kick me. I reconnect and I'm angry because he abuse admin. And I say he has small penis because he try intimidate me by saying he will ban me if I don't join his team on strong ct side. And then he ban me for 2 weeks for "insulting admin" when he start this bullshit..

                  Or when there was 2 admin commands to make a person switch to the other team but this 1 command is bugged and the other is fine, but if you chose the bugged command the player that switches team will spawn inside T spawn as ct on beginning of round. And she did on purpose 5x in a row this command on me so 5x in beginning of the round I spawn in Terrorist spawn between 16 terrorist while im CT ofcourse I get killed instant after 1 sec the rounds start so i died 5x because of this bullshit and she keep doing it. So at the end of the round I typed in console "reconnect" because I know she will use this fucked up thing just to abuse me. Because she angry at me that I talk with Tera and Boom BANNED now 3rd time I post this on the forum.

                  Miss ace then says haha 3rd time you get banned... I will give you perma ban because its in the rules after 3 is perma. And she banned me permanent, it took 2 months before I was unbanned. You see how this shit show works? This admins just abuse and abuse and find reason to perma ban for things you did not even start. Very unjustified and this is just 2-3 things I mentioned out of 30 things she try ban me with. And this root admin Darias or T4L he was never there to check how this server was doing good or bad. No never in 2 years maybe 10 times. And now when server is dead, when everyone including me been harrased by admin they "going" try make server better. Big joke its to late everyone left.
                  Oh boy Oh boy Again juba on rage. Can you stop posting like you're fighting everytime? lol
                  This just makes your valid points go down the drain lol.
                  Last edited by Mass Killer (WTH!!!); 17.06.2020, 23:54.


                  • #24
                    i took a look at demos last 3 days and i fond tihs
                    dust 2 : 15 demos
                    mirage : 13 demos
                    inferno : 9 demos
                    cache : 8 demos
                    italy : 8 demos
                    nuke : 7 demos
                    train : 5 demos
                    dust :5 demos
                    overpass : 4 demos
                    militia : 3 demos
                    office : 3 demos
                    assault : 3 demos
                    anubis : 3 demos
                    canal : 2 demos
                    vertigo : 2 demos
                    motel : 2 demos
                    coble : 2 demos
                    tuscan_fixes_csgo :2 demos
                    downtown :1 demos
                    castle : 1 demos
                    overgrown : 1 demos
                    chinatown : 1 demos
                    coast : 1 demos
                    ali : 1 demos
                    agency : 1 demos
                    bazar : 1 demos
                    aztec : 1 demos
                    .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .....

                    now players are free to chose the maps , you can see witch maps played even admins doesn't change maps

                    but , how this happens

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	Sans titre1111.png Views:	0 Size:	347.1 KB ID:	199359 Click image for larger version  Name:	Sans titre112222.png Views:	0 Size:	287.8 KB ID:	199360

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	Sans titre.png Views:	0 Size:	111.1 KB ID:	199361
                    .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ................................................

                    Mapchooser plugin

                    1 week ago
                    To admins

                    Im instal on server plugin to changing map. Ultimate mapchooser.

                    You can use RockTheVote (RTV) for changing map immediately.

                    You can use Nominate for nominating maps on votes.

                    The cycle of maps is 6. This means that you can play the same map after 6 others. You can find out next map using the command "Nextmap".

                    If you change map through admin panel - I'll block this opportunity.


                    i hope you will fix it
                    .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ......................
                    i liked strk's opinion
                    what if change rounds to 30 and round time to 2 minuts ?
                    Last edited by bio3706; 18.06.2020, 18:26.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Mass Killer (WTH!!!) View Post

                      Oh boy Oh boy Again juba on rage. Can you stop posting like you're fighting everytime? lol
                      This just makes your valid points go down the drain lol.
                      Don't you have to beg her again to get unbanned and get your admin back.
                      I see you changed mass you are not the same person anymore. Bend over take it from superiors here.
                      Who are you. It's not rage it's saying how it happened. Also this kinda shit doesnt only happened to me but to many other and stopped play so stfu and talk for yourself cuz at the moment you are the weak one. Begging twice to them to get your admin back and now you come here defend them.
                      Last edited by Jubawashere; 18.06.2020, 07:32.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Jubawashere View Post

                        Don't you have to beg her again to get unbanned and get your admin back.
                        I see you changed mass you are not the same person anymore. Bend over take it from superiors here.
                        Who are you. It's not rage it's saying how it happened. Also this kinda shit doesnt only happened to me but to many other and stopped play so stfu and talk for yourself cuz at the moment you are the weak one. Begging twice to them to get your admin back and now you come here defend them.
                        He didnt beg. A lot of people including me supported him.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by AER0N View Post

                          He didnt beg. A lot of people including me supported him.
                          So did I but its nice to see him come disrespect here and after say its a joke.
                          Don't think it's a joke when I been banned 15 times for bullshit and then he come say here my points aint valid because I said how it happened?
                          After first time this Ace took away/or he quit his admin, for a stupid reason, and then he go ask to be admin again to this same Ace.I wont call her miss because she aint.

                          So I can see why he defend her now, he only got fucked over by her admin abuse 1 time and he went to say sorry can I have my admin back?
                          I get fucked over 15 times by her in 3 years, because she emotional unstable and if I say something about this I'm "raging" says Mass pff
                          I'm not allowed to say the truth? Or is everything censored now. Before Ace would always come to the forum to delete my account. But now she has Mass her new slave.

                          Sure let me ban you 15 times in 3 years for absolute shit reasons ye maybe 2 was deserved but all the rest was complete power abuse ban from her.
                          Bans me for "teamstack" when its 5 vs 5 only she online and 9 non-steam bots, I saw her farming points so I connect I join losing team I kill her 5 times..and bans me. Ye sure thats in the rules too right killing someone? It's even on demo cuz after being banned so many times this time I made sure there was video evidence.

                          If someone else breaks the rules everyone gets a ban, if she breaks rules, which she does a lot, she get nothing. Funny thing is I send that demo to mass and he said he was going to send it to T4L or Dmitry the server owner because mass wanted to make a document of all Ace root her bullshit and he said that she had to go from being admin. Then Mass said he don't wanna be admin anymore.
                          And look now he's kissing her feet after he got banned. Clap clap applause buddy. 2 faced fuck.
                          Last edited by Jubawashere; 18.06.2020, 17:40.


                          • #28
                            She didnt unban him. Leah now is not active. It's me and T4L.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Jubawashere View Post

                              Don't you have to beg her again to get unbanned and get your admin back.
                              I see you changed mass you are not the same person anymore. Bend over take it from superiors here.
                              Who are you. It's not rage it's saying how it happened. Also this kinda shit doesnt only happened to me but to many other and stopped play so stfu and talk for yourself cuz at the moment you are the weak one. Begging twice to them to get your admin back and now you come here defend them.
                              Going for 1 million one, Going for 1 million two. Going for 1 million three and Sold. Yeeee Mass is sold for 1 million suka blyats.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Jubawashere View Post

                                So did I but its nice to see him come disrespect here and after say its a joke.
                                Don't think it's a joke when I been banned 15 times for bullshit and then he come say here my points aint valid because I said how it happened?
                                After first time this Ace took away/or he quit his admin, for a stupid reason, and then he go ask to be admin again to this same Ace.I wont call her miss because she aint.

                                So I can see why he defend her now, he only got fucked over by her admin abuse 1 time and he went to say sorry can I have my admin back?
                                I get fucked over 15 times by her in 3 years, because she emotional unstable and if I say something about this I'm "raging" says Mass pff
                                I'm not allowed to say the truth? Or is everything censored now. Before Ace would always come to the forum to delete my account. But now she has Mass her new slave.

                                Sure let me ban you 15 times in 3 years for absolute shit reasons ye maybe 2 was deserved but all the rest was complete power abuse ban from her.
                                Bans me for "teamstack" when its 5 vs 5 only she online and 9 non-steam bots, I saw her farming points so I connect I join losing team I kill her 5 times..and bans me. Ye sure thats in the rules too right killing someone? It's even on demo cuz after being banned so many times this time I made sure there was video evidence.

                                If someone else breaks the rules everyone gets a ban, if she breaks rules, which she does a lot, she get nothing. Funny thing is I send that demo to mass and he said he was going to send it to T4L or Dmitry the server owner because mass wanted to make a document of all Ace root her bullshit and he said that she had to go from being admin. Then Mass said he don't wanna be admin anymore.
                                And look now he's kissing her feet after he got banned. Clap clap applause buddy. 2 faced fuck.
                                I never said your point isn't valid. I said the way you're trying to convey makes them looks rage only. Which goes down the drain because you do have valid points but you're conveying them in harsh way. It's just my opinion.

