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Жалобы на действия Администраторов.

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  • Justaguy
    Сегодня он совсем веселился, убивал игроков командами и кикак/банил, меня тоже, опять же нет за что.
    Пытался меня развести на бан (я так понимаю что если бы я сказал да, получил бы бан):

    Убивал Игроков:

    Кидал их в смотрителей, что бы его друг смог пойти в команду:

    Вчера он тоже быковал, и когда начал угрожать всем баном, я сказал что пожалуюсь и его сниму, на что получил ответ:

    Может есть смысл что бы админы не могли банить ВИПов?

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  • igor12
    Админ LEGENDARY писал что другая команды дебилы и нубьё, после того как его команда начала проигрывать, он сказал прикрывать его или он сменит карту. После этого он просто так сменил карту, без голосования, во время игры. За что мною был послан на ***.
    За это дали мне 14 дней бана.
    У меня випка, если это может помочь

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  • Blaxe
    Админ Nakazhu ведет себя как 10-ти летний школяр, но точно не как админ. У него что, комплексы? Бегает под скином курицы и режет всех

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  • WakeUp
    Здравствуйте, хотел бы обратить внимание на БЕЗДЕЙСТВИЕ админов на сервере, не раз замечено мной и не только, что на сервере присутствуют люди с Читами и при этом есть Админы... Сами не банят, и по просьбе тоже, просто игнорируют.... Хотел бы попросить , если уж от админов толку нет, обновите или же замените VOTEBAN чтоб просто люд мог бороться с Читерами. Спасибо за внимание.
    ЗЫ Пока что без имен и видео. Если повторяться будет сие действия со стороны админом, то будем записывать на видео и выкладывать сюда. Надеюсь отреагируют на мое сообщение и ответят мне.

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  • JewelBrulik
    Остались еще админы которым не плевать на читеров? Заходит значит какой то хер новый, начинает люто раздавать, а всем плевать, я не говорю что все новенькие хорошо играющие читеры, вовсе нет, но стоит же посмотреть хотя бы мельком чтобы удостовериться с читами он или без , , играл он почти всю карту с двумя админами, и снова зайдет т.к. не забанен

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  • Who_I_aM
    Originally posted by Ownz View Post
    Hey i didnt know where to white this but . I been playing on this server since feb 2016 and i havent had any problems until now . WHO I aM ( admin) keeps saying i lag all the time he dont just call me laggy he calls everybody laggy when he dies . Now he started to kick me from the server because i killed him and he got angry !! . just not Fair . !! he is the first guy on the server sayin i lag . i got 28mbit line and its really enough for playing . I mean its enought for 99.9% people here . I havent had any problems with other admins , else somebody would say something .
    I think he expects just because he is admin and vip he can kill everybody and not die . I am decent player and killing him is not that difficult . He really should not be a admin . He also dont respect other people calling them words etc . i usually never complain on anything .
    27 Jun 2016 05:12:43 10,777
    27 Jun 2016 05:12:13 39
    YE YE
    27 Jun 2016 05:12:13 16
    Who I aM
    that's why
    27 Jun 2016 05:12:10 16
    Who I aM
    coz laggy
    27 Jun 2016 05:12:06 39
    27 Jun 2016 05:11:34 -
    como fala
    27 Jun 2016 05:11:17 70
    27 Jun 2016 05:10:45 -
    27 Jun 2016 05:10:42 16
    Who I aM
    !sm_mute Frajo 300 Spam.
    27 Jun 2016 05:10:40 32
    u already said it 10 times ?
    i just want to have a decent game.
    prototype is me here aka Ownz ..Even rida is asking here why he kicked me !!

    I spoke with admin about that. And he will not kick anymore...
    And also I been on the server, and there half of the server is lagging.
    Sorry for inconvenience.
    Do you Have any other proof for "calling other ppl words".. i never said anything offensive towards other players that i do not know.. (except friends and ppl i know that can take a joke).. how ever You are laggy it doesn't matter what internet you got. even i do lagg most of the time with a 100mp internet.. so yeah some times i blame my self for lagging and taking a brake until i can play again. and some times its you'r network.. no say to me bla bla my ping is low.. yeah some time's the ping does not affect The Bullet rege's with the server client reg. that mean's that i can shot you'r head and in my pc its showing that i did show you in the head. but the server thinks other wise.. anyway. it depends on many calculations.. So next Time get your facts straight! (here is a little exmaple of what iv'e been talking about )

    Best Regards, Who I aM.

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  • Azoomy
    Согласен с тобой, раньше большинство игроков администрации имели огромный игровой опыт и высокий ранг. Сейчас же, к сожалению, если бы не был админом, ловил бы баны только в путь, потому что в разы лучше играю. Фишка в том, что больше половины админов пользуются админкой в личных целях, дабы улучшить свою статистику. Главное чтобы им не мешали этого делать.

    Ну и ответим в последний раз.
    Как по мне, то раньше было хуже. Как в плане администва так и геймплэя. Но это лично моё мнение.
    По поводу хорошых(про) игроков, то все хорошые игроки играю в ММ и очень редко заходят на сервера, особенно на ностим. И админов приходится выберать из того, что есть.
    Но как по мне, то у нас (вас), довольно таки хорошая команда админов (всегда будут исключения, так-как не возможно набрать идеальную команду)
    По поводу статистики. Прежде всего мы должны посмотреть на свой ошибки и проблемы и только потом указывать на других.(это не лично вам)

    А по сообщению выще (от JewelBrulik)- админ в тот момент не находился на сервере, афк он был (это я про первое сообщение)

    Пока и удачи вам всем.

    С уважением,

    Guniz aka
    Army of Angels™
    Last edited by guniz; 02.07.2016, 21:24.

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  • JewelBrulik
    Абсолютно наплевательское отношение к читерам, даже если ткнуть носом ноль реакции

    Читер забанен
    С админом преведена беседа.

    Да это не один админ такой, сейчас большинство админов какие то аморфные, безинициативные, пока сами от читеров страдать не начнут палец о палец не ударят, вот еще один, и 5 админов на сервере
    Last edited by JewelBrulik; 30.06.2016, 01:28.

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  • Ownz
    Hey i didnt know where to white this but . I been playing on this server since feb 2016 and i havent had any problems until now . WHO I aM ( admin) keeps saying i lag all the time he dont just call me laggy he calls everybody laggy when he dies . Now he started to kick me from the server because i killed him and he got angry !! . just not Fair . !! he is the first guy on the server sayin i lag . i got 28mbit line and its really enough for playing . I mean its enought for 99.9% people here . I havent had any problems with other admins , else somebody would say something .
    I think he expects just because he is admin and vip he can kill everybody and not die . I am decent player and killing him is not that difficult . He really should not be a admin . He also dont respect other people calling them words etc . i usually never complain on anything .
    27 Jun 2016 05:12:43 10,777
    27 Jun 2016 05:12:13 39
    YE YE
    27 Jun 2016 05:12:13 16
    Who I aM
    that's why
    27 Jun 2016 05:12:10 16
    Who I aM
    coz laggy
    27 Jun 2016 05:12:06 39
    27 Jun 2016 05:11:34 -
    como fala
    27 Jun 2016 05:11:17 70
    27 Jun 2016 05:10:45 -
    27 Jun 2016 05:10:42 16
    Who I aM
    !sm_mute Frajo 300 Spam.
    27 Jun 2016 05:10:40 32
    u already said it 10 times ?
    i just want to have a decent game.
    prototype is me here aka Ownz ..Even rida is asking here why he kicked me !!

    I spoke with admin about that. And he will not kick anymore...
    And also I been on the server, and there half of the server is lagging.
    Sorry for inconvenience.
    Last edited by guniz; 28.06.2016, 00:04.

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  • SAJ 2016 - JA SAM RATNIK
    You can't post any advertising in this topic. So, I will delete everything. And you can call me how you want.
    Last edited by guniz; 11.06.2016, 01:35.

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  • Munze Konza
    Originally posted by guniz View Post
    You are so sad, "my friend". Do you know that I can read all your deleted messages.
    You can be sure that I banned you on CSGO. I banned you through web. And calls it "sourcebans". But, I think, I don't need explain to person who is recording videos with two buttons.

    End of discussion.

    Again is end of discussion, hmmm... Wooow, I didn't know for Auto-saving here. You are again smart. I made a little mistake, and you immediately catch on it. Why I made that little mistake, which lasted only 2-3 minutes?
    Because I am not NoLifer, like you and your Army of Cheaters.
    NoLifer is a serious mental disorder.

    And this "But, I think, I don't need explain to person who is recording videos with two buttons" You are the Moderator and you do not know with which programs can be recorded only with the help of two buttons. Shame on you.
    I will teach you. The program is called Razer Cortex. Just press two buttons and recording begins, but lower quality.
    I won, and you again lose.

    And, what now, that is your answer? That is your excuse? Again, you're literal! Again I made little mistake, oops. I just like to make a jokes with you, because you're an imbecile. You think, you unbanned me, and I will say thank you?
    You set that imbecile Admins. They don't have people for Moderators, so they must set you.
    If you don't know how to do your job, girl, go care about your sheeps, and worry about your zombie child, he will be same like you.(You first call me "zombie", and I am also somebody's child, psssst) Your Admins said, you are young mom? Oops, how to delete this, they will see...

    Army of Angels (guniz), if you want again to answer to my criticism, just don't answer back again with "You're sad" because you will again describe yourself and your Army of Cheaters. Or I will think, maybe you stuttering on servers.

    It is wiser to watch these boring adult movies on TV Happy from Zemun, better then to discuss with you.

    Army of Angels(guniz), another mistake you make, I will file a complaint with
    my neighbors Herzl from Zemun, and they will tell to their friends Rothschilds and Rockefellers, and they will say to England.
    And you will no longer be Moderator, aahaaaa...
    Or, if you want, I will call zemun's friends from Israel, and we will have a complete Demo of Army of Angels (guniz) life, what she's doing 24 hours a day, how she play Counter Strike, etc.

    And when I insulted Pon4ik(Artur xD) and Ownz with rhyme "Cigga Nigga", I took the rhyme from a song: Monogamija feat. MC Maraya & Seven - Paciotti.
    At the end of the song goes rhyme: Here we only miss Nigga GanCi... Cigga Nigga chill, Cigga Nigga chill, Cigga Nigga chiiiiiiill.
    That rhyme raps rapper Seven

    guniz, once you said, that you liked me, what's wrong now?

    End of discussion.
    Last edited by Munze Konza; 04.06.2016, 09:44.

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  • guniz
    You are so sad, "my friend". Do you know that I can read all your deleted messages.
    You can be sure that I banned you on CSGO. I banned you through web. And calls it "sourcebans". But, I think, I don't need explain to person who is recording videos with two buttons.

    End of discussion.

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  • guniz
    Originally posted by Munze Konza View Post
    2nd critique on the functioning of the servers


    1. guniz: "Here is SERVER RULES, please read carefully"

    I have read SERVER RULES a year ago, and I realized that these servers are full of politics and racism.
    But you will not admit it, because you're one of them. If you're not Russian, then you are from neighboring countries.
    Maybe you are of those cheaters who use the Russian language? I have something to teach you, more then 100 million Russians hates England and USA.
    And you're a Super Moderator here, always with the English flag. You are here biggest provocateur and racist. You're telling me that I am a racist, because of that Combat 18 - Terrormachine, for children provocation about Gypsies, pfff.
    Combat 18 is from England. I am making a little show, but you and your Admins are literal. Combat 18 is from England. And you love England. You deny yourself.

    2. guniz: "But you are so degradated that everywhere you see the enemy. I'm sorry about you."

    How do you know that I am degraded? You know, because everybody's are degraded on servers from cheaters and from the ordinary Admins. Why? Because you don't want to set the servers only for Steam accounts.
    In Serbia we have a KGB servers configured only for Steam accounts, and one of the best servers in the world - Se7enkills Servers don't have?! I know why you don't want, because you love to cheat, and 'cause then you will have the average number of players on the servers 7, 8 and 9 about 10 players.
    Now you have an average about 20 players. On these servers are due to Non-Steam profiles and due to cheaters are all degraded. It is better then to write at the entrance to the servers with big letters "ON THESE SERVERS YOU WILL BE IMMEDIATELY DEGRADED"

    3. "Something I heard, these servers are hacked from somebody?"

    guniz: "It's something new... "

    What is this, no answer, just a smiley? You can write something, or not? Silence is a sign of approval.

    4. "If I were Valve Admin, I would permanently ban Rida, Islam OBAMA, pon4ik, etc. And permenetly ban you Admininstrator of Se7enkills servers, because you set them for provoking.
    And I would say, Steam accounts are not expensive. Let 'em out to fight for their ideals, if they dare"

    guniz: "You need go play zombie servers, because you already are part of them" = This is nothing other then an insult by Super Moderator Army of Cheaters... Ooops, I wanted to write a nice, cute, good, beautiful Angel of Army.

    5. "But the problem is, when I'm in the game, I don't always have a camera (program recording) to record it"

    guniz: "You don't need cam to record video. With simple commands you can record demos. And that command is- "record <nickname>". But you are so smart, that you knew that, already. Yes!? Because you know everything, about everything and everybody."

    Woooooooow, what do you say, just type
    record <nickname> I knew you are really smart and that I will learn a lot of smart things from you. In my program, I just press two buttons. This is complicated, leave it.

    What cam? Again you are literal!

    Come on, people, shoot every day all day CS: GO matches in order to catch a cheater with Demo.
    Just don't fall into unconsciousness during the painstaking recording and reviewing of Demos.
    And when you catch a cheater, a cheater will change ID on his Non-Steam profile and turn back for a few seconds with same cheats.
    But don't despair, Army of Angels(guniz) will pay you 500 euros a month.


    guniz: "That's why we need and we have admins on servers"

    This is interesting. They want Admin position, but they don't know how to do the job. 80% of Admins attacking all, they think they are all cheaters, Admins create thousands of profiles.
    For Admins is more important School of Life, perception, intuition, more then Counter Strike experience. 80% of Admins don't know how to do their job and just create confusion. Better then leave servers without Admins, this is chaos.
    It is not known who is Admin, who is cheater. But when you set servers only for Steam, it would be much better

    7. guniz: "P.S. And if you are so professional, you can go and play on your own Steam server, Because YOU ARE BANNED PERMANENTLY!!!!

    THE END"

    I rarely play here, but I have something to say about servers. You can permanently ban me how much you want.
    Army of Cheaters, I was permanently banned, because I destroyed and revealed your army of cheaters and imbeciles, grrrRRRRRAAAAAAARRRRRrrrrrr!!!!!!!!! -.-
    And I realized that the main moderators also are not qualified for their job.
    If main Moderators are not qualified for the job, then neither and ordinary Admins are not good for Admins position, it's simple.

    P.S. Army of Cheaters (Angels), yet you don't have anything clever to write, except that "Super Moderator (guniz)", and those big red and green letters.

    P.P.S. Army of cheaters(Angels), calm down, you are aggressive and nervous, like you afraid of that proverb: "MODERATORS ARE DISPOSABLE" Or you have PMS?

    1st... Please proofs of cheating on the table. Because now you are insulting without reason. And looks like it's the only thing what you can do in this life. I'm sorry about you...

    2nd... Se7enkills got own NonSteam CS:GO Launcher, That's why they got NonSteam servers. Anyway, why I should explain you?!!? If you can insult and abuse person without reason.

    P.S. Нет народа без урода. (And you are the perfect example of that.)

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  • Munze Konza
    2nd critique on the functioning of the servers


    1. guniz: "Here is SERVER RULES, please read carefully"

    I have read SERVER RULES a year ago, and I realized that these servers are full of politics and racism.
    But you will not admit it, because you're one of them. If you're not Russian, then you are from neighboring countries.
    Maybe you are of those cheaters who use the Russian language? I have something to teach you, more then 100 million Russians hates England and USA.
    And you're a Super Moderator here, always with the English flag. You are here biggest provocateur and racist. You're telling me that I am a racist, because of that Combat 18 - Terrormachine, for children provocation about Gypsies, pfff.
    Combat 18 is from England. I am making a little show, but you and your Admins are literal. Combat 18 is from England. And you love England. You deny yourself.

    2. guniz: "But you are so degradated that everywhere you see the enemy. I'm sorry about you."

    How do you know that I am degraded? You know, because everybody's are degraded on servers from cheaters and from the ordinary Admins. Why? Because you don't want to set the servers only for Steam accounts.
    In Serbia we have a KGB servers configured only for Steam accounts, and one of the best servers in the world - Se7enkills Servers don't have?! I know why you don't want, because you love to cheat, and 'cause then you will have the average number of players on the servers 7, 8 and 9 about 10 players.
    Now you have an average about 20 players. On these servers are due to Non-Steam profiles and due to cheaters are all degraded. It is better then to write at the entrance to the servers with big letters "ON THESE SERVERS YOU WILL BE IMMEDIATELY DEGRADED"

    3. "Something I heard, these servers are hacked from somebody?"

    guniz: "It's something new... "

    What is this, no answer, just a smiley? You can write something, or not? Silence is a sign of approval.

    4. "If I were Valve Admin, I would permanently ban Rida, Islam OBAMA, pon4ik, etc. And permenetly ban you Admininstrator of Se7enkills servers, because you set them for provoking.
    And I would say, Steam accounts are not expensive. Let 'em out to fight for their ideals, if they dare"

    guniz: "You need go play zombie servers, because you already are part of them" = This is nothing other then an insult by Super Moderator Army of Cheaters... Ooops, I wanted to write a nice, cute, good, beautiful Angel of Army.

    5. "But the problem is, when I'm in the game, I don't always have a camera (program recording) to record it"

    guniz: "You don't need cam to record video. With simple commands you can record demos. And that command is- "record <nickname>". But you are so smart, that you knew that, already. Yes!? Because you know everything, about everything and everybody."

    Woooooooow, what do you say, just type
    record <nickname> I knew you are really smart and that I will learn a lot of smart things from you. In my program, I just press two buttons. This is complicated, leave it.

    What cam? Again you are literal!

    Come on, people, shoot every day all day CS: GO matches in order to catch a cheater with Demo.
    Just don't fall into unconsciousness during the painstaking recording and reviewing of Demos.
    And when you catch a cheater, a cheater will change ID on his Non-Steam profile and turn back for a few seconds with same cheats.
    But don't despair, Army of Angels(guniz) will pay you 500 euros a month.


    guniz: "That's why we need and we have admins on servers"

    This is interesting. They want Admin position, but they don't know how to do the job. 80% of Admins attacking all, they think they are all cheaters, Admins create thousands of profiles.
    For Admins is more important School of Life, perception, intuition, more then Counter Strike experience. 80% of Admins don't know how to do their job and just create confusion. Better then leave servers without Admins, this is chaos.
    It is not known who is Admin, who is cheater. But when you set servers only for Steam, it would be much better

    7. guniz: "P.S. And if you are so professional, you can go and play on your own Steam server, Because YOU ARE BANNED PERMANENTLY!!!!

    THE END"

    I rarely play here, but I have something to say about servers. You can permanently ban me how much you want.
    Army of Cheaters, I was permanently banned, because I destroyed and revealed your army of cheaters and imbeciles, grrrRRRRRAAAAAAARRRRRrrrrrr!!!!!!!!! -.-
    And I realized that the main moderators also are not qualified for their job.
    If main Moderators are not qualified for the job, then neither and ordinary Admins are not good for Admins position, it's simple.

    P.S. Army of Cheaters (Angels), yet you don't have anything clever to write, except that "Super Moderator (guniz)", and those big red and green letters.

    P.P.S. Army of cheaters(Angels), calm down, you are aggressive and nervous, like you afraid of that proverb: "MODERATORS ARE DISPOSABLE" Or you have PMS?

    Last edited by Munze Konza; 03.06.2016, 14:05.

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  • Munze Konza
    Critique on the functioning of the servers


    1. Yes, but nowhere is writte that I was UNBANNED.(Now is written) Then I wiped my request, thinking, there is nothing of my request.
    I had to go to the option ADVANCED SEARCH to see that I have been UNBANNED. So I back my request. Very professional of you, very.

    2. Something I heard, these servers are hacked from somebody?

    Your Admins are rasists! First start Admin Rida with her Islamists and ISIS, and Islam OBAMA who insult president Obama!?
    And that pon4ik^ with profile CiganO_o. I think pon4ik^ is Admin Artur xD. And many others rasists.
    If I were Valve Admin, I would permanently ban Rida, Islam OBAMA, pon4ik, etc. And permenetly ban you Admininstrator of Se7enkills servers, because you set them for provoking.
    And I would say, Steam accounts are not expensive. Let 'em out to fight for their ideals, if they dare.

    How ordinary player can recognize that someone is using cheats? One way is, when I see bullets flying through the walls.
    But the problem is, when I'm in the game, I don't always have a camera (program recording) to record it.
    It would be good to Valve insert camera in the MENU for purchase of weapons, so I can buy and camera. Shooting with firearms and with a camera on the cheaters to record them and give you a proof.
    Or I must hire the CIA, MIA, BIA, FBI, FSB and Valve teams to watch the servers 24 hours a day, and get that proof. I FIRMLY THINK THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION FOR THIS SERVERS: You say that you are professionals?
    If you are a professionals, why do not you set servers only for Steam accounts? On these servers are 90% Non-Steam profiles, which is perfect for cheaters.
    Admins permanently ban them, but cheaters change their ID with their programs, and they come back after only a few seconds with their new profiles and nicknames, and with cheats.
    JUST DON'T TELL ME THAT YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW CHEATERS CHANGE THEIR ID's, AND HOW PLAYERS CAN HAVE ONLY ONE NON-STEAM PROFILE, I WILL LAUGH SWEET. So listen to my suggestion, if you want, configure servers only for Steam accounts.
    You will have excellent PROOF when somebody is cheating and who not. That will solve the problems of cheaters, minimum for 70%, believe me. And Admins will have a much easier job. Am I right? That's all.
    Last edited by Munze Konza; 22.05.2016, 21:37.

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