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  • Originally posted by Wave View Post
    Здравствуйте, в другой теме я писал по поводу моего разбана. Меня забанил администратор: ridacrack . Прошу разбана. Демо записать есть на сервере. Xaza, сказал что он напишет данному администратору. Ещё раз повторю что я не использую читы. Прошло около недели. Ответа я так и не получил... Rida просто тАК банит игроков без доказательств. Он не следил за мной. Я во время клатч рануда улетел в бан... Прошло достаточно времени. Прошу разбана.
    Сегодня написал ещё одному админу,ответ будет я тебе обещаю.


    • Originally posted by Wave View Post
      Здравствуйте, в другой теме я писал по поводу моего разбана. Меня забанил администратор: ridacrack . Прошу разбана. Демо записать есть на сервере. Xaza, сказал что он напишет данному администратору. Ещё раз повторю что я не использую читы. Прошло около недели. Ответа я так и не получил... Rida просто тАК банит игроков без доказательств. Он не следил за мной. Я во время клатч рануда улетел в бан... Прошло достаточно времени. Прошу разбана.
      Разбанил, из за отсутствия забанившего администратора


      • i am banned ,,i only can guess because i spoke in mic
        that one cheater killed me through wall.
        later i was banned.. because that cheater was an admin..
        i donot regret.
        i do OBJECT.
        if i am banned , because i cheated..just see the demo before the map mirage..>>see cache..what he did.
        i deserve unban because i speak truth every time.


        • Извините меня администраторы у меня есть жалоба К ВСЕМ админам! Я понимаю теперь лето все отдыхают НО! вы даже не можете проследить за серверами например сервер 5x5 в последний раз там были админы зимой 2017 года, и после того я на сервере ни одного адми не видел! хотя играл каждый день на сервере! может я покажусь каким то попрашайкой но можете хотябы мне дать админку? просто на сервер 5х5 твориться просто хаос! каждый день там играют по два читера и все мешают людям играть, они даже нахалы, говорят что цитирую "скил мои уши)), вы просто играть не умеете и т.д." и постоянно с читерами должен играть его друг который мешает кикнуть читера! я уже давал 3 жалобы на игроков в розделе жалобы на игроков и НИ один админ мне не ответил что забанил игрока, я видел как те на кого я давал жалобу нормально играют на сервере с читами и им пофиг на людей! Прошу вас администраторы етого сайта и сервера 5х5 (айпи Пусть хотябы вы не дадите мне админку Но ПУСТЬ хотябы один админ играет на сервере SE7ENKILLS Reborn #10 5x5 и будет банить читеро и посмотри пожалуйсто заявки на баны в розделе Жалобы на игроков! спасибо за вмимание, надесь вы хоть как то ответите мне и зделаете сервера лутше) мой стим чтобы связаться( )


          • If you are the person able to work in a team, adhering to the rules, you have enough time and a serious approach to the business. Then you are in right place.
            Harassing players (aka possible customers) is no way taking a serious approach to the business.

            1. Time 8:25, Mass killer gets kicked for killing "Who I am". (High ping is a fair kick, but 150 isn't that bad)

            2. Time 17:15, "Big scruf fellah" gets slain just to be asked a question to by "Who I am". He is threatened with a kick/ban if he does not share his steam profile with the public. VIP's chat isn't recorded on the demos.

            Too many good players are driven away and it's sad to see.


            In addition, personal abuse against a fellow member of the administration team.

            yeah totally agree with the accessions on roy. he is a child who thinks he's "smart" cheating and lagging like a mother fucker. and you can clerrly see on the demo that's he's looking on him through
            the wall. he was all ways like this fucking shady as fuck. lil brit fuck. the server vac system is kinda off so he can cheat because he's "admin" for some random reason i think they take him only because he's a "long" time player honestly the main admin didn't even look at the thing this shit head wrote. he doesn't have time on official mm he's not even ranked and he''s playing really fucking shady like i said. i have 1500 official hours in the game. other then that i have 7 years of play in cs games. i saw so many cheaters and hackers and people that exploit the system or the game in their favor to benefit of i don't know what ever makes them feel good. Roy is a lil internet keyboard warrior a shy lil fucking bitch that can't use the mic. and when you approach him he's like a rat hides in the coroner (may i add just like his mom, likes the corner working hard to get him a decant life). if i would say some one like him in real i would have break in to his house and steal his skins and brake his fucking pc. and probably broke the entire house. and they light it on fire. coz a measurable fuck like him and him and his poor family deserve the street (daddy didn't pull in time hah Roy?). So yeah hope he will get banned and the nice people of the server could play in pace.
            lol personally? bitch pls. i know people like you that feel safe behind a screen the deference here you far away from me. and ppl that acting like that on the internet and i know them i person. get their teeth broke and swallow them because they such "heroes". better admin? lol Roy pls you are a sad lil fuck that can speak only 1 language. un like you i speak 4 languages and i can help people that need my help. of facebook page of 7kills. on the forum on steam. and i most of my feed back is really good from the regular players that playing on the server (Engmatic. naved. justaguy,pacemaker and many more) and i don't really care about the no steam come and go players. what ever they say. so yeah wasting time on you is worthless like gozzy said because you hide behind a screen and fancy words. sad lil fuck like i said. End of discussion.
            He's shown his character time and time again. Action should be taken.
            Last edited by Roy; 23.09.2017, 04:43. Reason: Edit.
            Se7enlags and incompetence


            • Originally posted by Roy View Post

              Harassing players (aka possible customers) is no way taking a serious approach to the business.

              1. Time 8:25, Mass killer gets kicked for killing "Who I am". (High ping is a fair kick, but 150 isn't that bad)

              2. Time 17:15, "Big scruf fellah" gets slain just to be asked a question to by "Who I am". He is threatened with a kick/ban if he does not share his steam profile with the public. VIP's chat isn't recorded on the demos.

              Too many good players are driven away and it's sad to see.


              In addition, personal abuse against a fellow member of the administration team.

              He's shown his character time and time again. Action should be taken.
              lol you are so sad. people gone away because of you. you know what i am gonna talk to to main admin taking your rights and letting you go. ill make it my goal


              • Click image for larger version

Name:	20170924162826_1.jpg
Views:	212
Size:	76.1 KB
ID:	192264 Не уверен на 100 % но вроде из админов ток был [PlaPhe] Majestic13 Если плохо играеш и тебя ктот убивает эт не дает тебе право брать и просто так его кикать.


                • Сегодня когда я играл на сервере sevenkills DM, было много читеров, админ который должен был помочь, и забанить 5 читеров которые играли на сервере. В место того, изза того что он обиделся на меня и других друзей(Мы хорошо знали друг друга) он просто проигнорил просьбу и продолжал играть гдето в другом месте. Также, всегда когда он заходил на сервер, он сразу менял карту на awp_lego даже не доиграв другую карту. Просто вся эта ситуация уже надоела. У меня даже скриншот есть как я его уговаривал!
                  Он обвинял pifffcik, потому что он с ним посорился, и называл его читером изза уникального навыка игры.
                  Attached Files


                  • Originally posted by maskTHEbest v2.0 RAZBANTE View Post
                    Сегодня когда я играл на сервере sevenkills DM, было много читеров, админ который должен был помочь, и забанить 5 читеров которые играли на сервере. В место того, изза того что он обиделся на меня и других друзей(Мы хорошо знали друг друга) он просто проигнорил просьбу и продолжал играть гдето в другом месте. Также, всегда когда он заходил на сервер, он сразу менял карту на awp_lego даже не доиграв другую карту. Просто вся эта ситуация уже надоела. У меня даже скриншот есть как я его уговаривал!
                    Он обвинял pifffcik, потому что он с ним посорился, и называл его читером изза уникального навыка игры.
                    Администрирование серверов се7енкилсс не является моей основной работой, как и не является моим кредом по жизни. Прошу уважать право на личную жизнь и чужие собственные дела! Я тебя не случайно спросил про изифрагс(их можно пробанить и за чат), за остальными надо писать демку... времени на это у меня не было! я тебе человеческим языком написал "ДА, Я СУКА", "Я ЗАНЯТ"... смена карты чаще всего проводится через вотемап... да я признаю что мне нравится играть на дм де_дуст2, авп_лего2... но другие авп карты и прочее не завозят на сервер... с этим вопросом не ко мне... В принципе если ты считаешь мое поведение не достойным, я могу сложить с себя админку, не кому будет плакать только...
                    p.s. и про пифффчика ныть тоже не следует... ибо я его НЕ банил, хоть и считаю, что он бегает переодически с подрубом, но так как записать его действия не представляется возможным - пусть играет....
                    p.p.s Параллельно с тобой просил еще кто-то толи нео, толи серж(а они не из тех на кого я притаил обидки) спасти от читеров... и они с пониманием отнеслись к фразе "я занят".
                    p.p.p.s.Я добавлял всех steam с сервака для тогоб чтобы когда читеры я мог КОГДА МОГУ прийти и пробанить, а не по первому звоночку(у нас читеры - все бросай и иди бань). Если по последнему сценарию считаешь должно выливаться - значит админам должны платить зарплату и официально трудоустраивать...
                    Last edited by gt1ivan; 25.09.2017, 11:55.


                    • I was holding this for a while now but it has been a lot now.I'm a regular on server#9 DM.The only admin who visit there often is Xaza and whenever he's on, he doesn't respect players vote.He plays maps he likes (sometimes for a whole day) and also he mutes people without any reason or even a warning(He muted me several times and forgot to unmute and I had been mute for like even a week but doesn't mute others like a player neo who speaks a lot more than me because he's friendly with him).He's a good person but that can't count in administrative matters.So I would very much like that somebody addresses him on these issues.An admin is an Admin, not a god.


                      • Originally posted by dzonykey View Post
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	20170924162826_1.jpg
Views:	212
Size:	76.1 KB
ID:	192264 Не уверен на 100 % но вроде из админов ток был [PlaPhe] Majestic13 Если плохо играеш и тебя ктот убивает эт не дает тебе право брать и просто так его кикать.
                        Данному Администратору будет сделано предупреждение - после повтора такого отношения будут приняты меры на дальнейшее наказание.
                        Читеров к стенке!


                        • Originally posted by D3adP00L View Post
                          I was holding this for a while now but it has been a lot now.I'm a regular on server#9 DM.The only admin who visit there often is Xaza and whenever he's on, he doesn't respect players vote.He plays maps he likes (sometimes for a whole day) and also he mutes people without any reason or even a warning(He muted me several times and forgot to unmute and I had been mute for like even a week but doesn't mute others like a player neo who speaks a lot more than me because he's friendly with him).He's a good person but that can't count in administrative matters.So I would very much like that somebody addresses him on these issues.An admin is an Admin, not a god.
                          People dont wanna to listen pakistan language sorry,many people dont know what it is mute,speak with your friends on skype,your favorite map it is dd2-go to another server and play 24 hours per day,you must be lucky that you are not in ban list for cheats-or you forgot already?


                          • Originally posted by xaza_??? View Post

                            People dontwanna to listen pakistan language sorry,many people dont know what it is mute,speak with your friends on skype,your favorite map it is dd2-go to another server and play 24 hours per day,you must be lucky that you are not in ban list for cheats-or you forgot already?
                            I was waiting when you were going to rub that in my face and boy, you didn't took long.So you neglected the main points of my post, which were:
                            1. If you mute someone,that's your right as an admin but don't mute them or forget.
                            2. Why only Pakistani language; why not Russian. Not everybody understands that either on server.Neo and Piffick talk a lot more than me but you never mute them.
                            3. From what I understand you don't own the server, Master chief does and you're just another admin.So i think you don't have to tell me to go play other server if I want to play on this one.
                            4. If you want to play servers of your own choice that's fine, but what about the other 31 players vote. You are always playing weird maps in which you're good.
                            5. You never give a warning before muting someone or banning them for bad language.
                            6. I was banned and it was my fault.What about the circumstances which made me do that.Some times, there's no admin on the server in weeks.Rage hackers play for whole days and no one bans them.what are we supposed to do in that condition.
                            7. I redeemed myself after that ban and improved my behavior and got many cheaters banned through the forum so even though I'm still thankful for that un-ban, many other players were un-banned without admitting even after one day and I was banned for almost 2 months.
                            So keeping in mind all of this; I respect you as an admin but a good admin has a duty to be justifiable and keep every player equal in his eyes.Prada even is a No 1 player doesn't have respect for other players and is a racist, you never say anything to him cause he's your country fellow and a friend of yours.
                            That's all what I wanted to say and I hope that you being a better person than me, will address these issues.Thanks for your services for this server


                            • I respect your opinion,I understand you,sometimes i am wrong,ye its true,with russian language it is another story-russian server about 70% play russian player and communication russian or english language,dont tell me that I am not block another people it is not true,I have freinds on server it is true-of course attention to them is softer,I am agree,Prada I know 10 years,we play together long time,sometimes I speak with him but he is adult guy and he dont like people from another countries.
                              I will tell you 1 more time speak with your friends english language or speak on skype,finish discussion.
                              One more thing my friend you must be HAPPY that you are playing on this server-after using aim bot, one click and your story on this server will be finish together with Naveed.


                              • Originally posted by xaza_??? View Post
                                I respect your opinion,I understand you,sometimes i am wrong,ye its true,with russian language it is another story-russian server about 70% play russian player and communication russian or english language,dont tell me that I am not block another people it is not true,I have freinds on server it is true-of course attention to them is softer,I am agree,Prada I know 10 years,we play together long time,sometimes I speak with him but he is adult guy and he dont like people from another countries.
                                I will tell you 1 more time speak with your friends english language or speak on skype,finish discussion.
                                One more thing my friend you must be HAPPY that you are playing on this server-after using aim bot, one click and your story on this server will be finish together with Naveed.
                                xaza baby why you put my name here ......

