I was again banned, at 20:37 and i don't play since 3 hours, i don't understand that i can be banned for a reason like Wallhack when i eat and when i don't play since 3 hours at CS:S.
So, i don't know "shaman" the admin who banned me from i don't know where "Web ban" but i think he have to come here for say me why i'm ban permanent again.
Today i play really good, people who runs give me this good playing, they have voteban me, like all days when i'm hot, i don't care of their rage, but when you heard songs, if you are a little good, you know that you have to be ready to shoot.
I think that all people who want to ban me are really noob, or have wallhack and rage because i rape them without, i don't know, Shaman, you are may be an admin who have a good place in this team for ban me from the web, but you are a bad admin for ban me from the web and not in the game, with a point of vue of how i play. So, you ban me but you loose your credibility, and if you ban me from the cry of your friends, i guess you gonna lost your rights to be admins.
I was admin in a lot of servers, ba_jail and FFA, and i learn from this experience to never ban someone if i don't see anything, things that you don't know, so you don't have to be an admin.
For informations, i was in a team FFA who do WARS, this team lived during 5 years since there is 6/7 months, at the begining we was really noob, but with the time, we grow and begin to be great after 2 years, our team was not famous, we take smile when we win in WAR unofficial teams who was the best and fucking famous in French CS:S
I hope that this admin come here, say me with arguments why he banned me, why he take this decision when i was eating after 3 hours of no playing in your server to ban me since this web site.
I was again banned, at 20:37 and i don't play since 3 hours, i don't understand that i can be banned for a reason like Wallhack when i eat and when i don't play since 3 hours at CS:S.
So, i don't know "shaman" the admin who banned me from i don't know where "Web ban" but i think he have to come here for say me why i'm ban permanent again.
Today i play really good, people who runs give me this good playing, they have voteban me, like all days when i'm hot, i don't care of their rage, but when you heard songs, if you are a little good, you know that you have to be ready to shoot.
I think that all people who want to ban me are really noob, or have wallhack and rage because i rape them without, i don't know, Shaman, you are may be an admin who have a good place in this team for ban me from the web, but you are a bad admin for ban me from the web and not in the game, with a point of vue of how i play. So, you ban me but you loose your credibility, and if you ban me from the cry of your friends, i guess you gonna lost your rights to be admins.
I was admin in a lot of servers, ba_jail and FFA, and i learn from this experience to never ban someone if i don't see anything, things that you don't know, so you don't have to be an admin.
For informations, i was in a team FFA who do WARS, this team lived during 5 years since there is 6/7 months, at the begining we was really noob, but with the time, we grow and begin to be great after 2 years, our team was not famous, we take smile when we win in WAR unofficial teams who was the best and fucking famous in French CS:S
I hope that this admin come here, say me with arguments why he banned me, why he take this decision when i was eating after 3 hours of no playing in your server to ban me since this web site.